Online Applications For Our Savings Accounts

You may now apply for your Ecology savings account online.
The online application process can be used to apply for our Easy Access and Regular Savings accounts plus the Ecology Cash ISA. The service is available to both existing and new members.
The launch of this new function is a significant step in our journey to enhance the way we deliver our services, meet members’ needs and develop our digital capability.
The launch of online applications marks the culmination of a lengthy period of planning and three months intensive testing and development.
We anticipate that most new applications for savings accounts will be made online. The process is more convenient for members, shortens the time required to open an account and reduces the amount of paper used.
Online applications are not currently available if you are aged under 18 or are opening an account for somebody under 18, and for our 90-Day Notice savings account.
If you are an existing member and use our online service you can now apply for a new account when you log in to manage your savings. Just select the ‘Products’ option from the main menu.
For more information and to apply online click here.