Sameera Khaliq

Sameera is a qualified accountant and has worked within the mutual sector for almost 20 years with expertise including financial planning, business partnering, procurement and commercial strategy, within a complex regulated environment.

In her last role, as Director of Financial Strategy & Business Partnering at Skipton Building Society, Sameera co-led the development of a new group strategy to deliver more value to members and improve financial resilience.

Sameera currently serves as a Non-Executive Director of Leeds Credit Union, one of the largest in the UK with more than 35,000 members. She also chairs Beckfoot Allerton School Trust, focused on the provision of primary school education in her local community in West Yorkshire.

At home, Sameera is married with two young children. She enjoys quality family time, walks in the outdoors and travelling to new destinations.

Sameera was elected as a Non-Executive Director at the AGM in April 2024.