Our 2018 AGM & Members’ Meet-up

We’re looking forward to our next Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Member’s Meet-up which will take place at The Priory Rooms in Birmingham on Saturday 28 April 2018.

We’ve sent members their AGM packs which includes our Annual Review 2017 and information on how to vote online as well as details on how to register for the AGM and Members’ Meet-up. As well as the usual formal AGM business and voting, this year’s speakers at our Members’ Meet-up will include:

  • Rosemary Coyne – Ecology borrower, co-ordinator of SHAP (the Sustainable Housing Action Partnership) and part of the Energiesprong UK market development team
  • Mike Jacob– Director, Kiss House, provider of off-site homes designed to Passivhaus standard
  • Barbara Jones – Director, Straw Works and Principal of the School of Natural Building. Designs pre-fabricated straw panel buildings and accessible self-build designs with straw bales
  • Craig Haslam – Head of Product Strategy at Mutual Vision, Ecology’s technology partner, sharing how they’re working with Ecology as the Society invests in their digital capability


We look forward to welcoming you to our 2018 AGM and Members’ Meet-up.

Our AGM 2018 voting pack




Published: 3 April 2018

Author: Chris Meadows